Animals of the Distant Past, Considered Extinct
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For many years, our planet has been home to many amazing animals. However, as a result of human actions and climate change, many of them have become extinct and are no longer found in nature. 

Despite this, some species have left their mark on history, and their stories attract the attention of scientists and animal lovers from all over the world. Well, if you not only love animals but also have fun, then you can visit betting sites Kenya.

In this article, we will look at 6 extinct animals that turned out to be alive.

New Guinea Singing Dog (New Guinea)

Scientists have provided irrefutable evidence that this type of dog still lives in the forests of New Guinea.

After the dog's paw prints were found during the expedition in 2016, the researchers installed cameras all along the trail and a few days later they saw at least 15 individuals, including a pregnant female and puppies. 

At that time, scientists for half a century could not confirm the fact that this type of dog did not die out, and many were afraid that this really would not happen. This type of dog is considered the rarest in the world.

Tasmanian Tiger (Australia)

He has not yet been captured on camera, but several witnesses claimed to have seen him.

This animal is not a tiger at all, and even though it looks very much like a dog, the Tasmanian Tiger is not a dog at all, but a predatory marsupial. Australians claim to have seen this animal many times over the years, but sightings were extremely rare, and therefore they were not particularly believed in.

Today, however, many scientists have seriously thought about the fact that this animal is not extinct. Now scientists from Queensland, Australia are planning to install cameras in places where the marsupial wolf was allegedly seen, in the hope of obtaining evidence of its existence.

Sockeye Salmon (New Zealand)

If you visit Yuzhny Island in New Zealand in the near future, you can see hundreds of Sockeye Salmon, as if dancing in the water during the spawning period. What is so unusual here, you ask? The fact is that this type of fish was considered extinct back in the 80s, but today sockeye salmon, as if nothing had happened, climb up the riverbed in search of a suitable place to spawn. 

This year, about 1,000 fish were counted in Lake Pukaki on Yuzhny Island, all of them protected by the New Zealand Nature Conservation Act.

Chinese River Dolphin (China)

Ten years ago, scientists considered the Chinese river dolphin extinct, but it seems that this species is not going to give up yet. Scientists cannot confirm this fact yet, they have neither documentary evidence nor photographs, however, despite this, the dolphin has already been excluded from the list of extinct animals.

Baiji, as the locals call it, is a species of dolphin that existed for more than 20 million years before it was destroyed due to active hunting for it and the pollution of rivers. Back in the 1950s, thousands of Baiji lived in the Yangtze. But during the Great Chinese Famine from 1959 to 1961, millions of hungry Chinese were forced to eat dolphins to survive.

Ilka (USA)

For a long time, no one could say with certainty whether this cousin of the weasel, otter, and mink, which no one had seen in Iowa since the 1800s until November 2016, when one of the representatives of this species was captured on camera, really died out. 

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources reports that Ilka was captured on camera. Representatives of the department believe that the animal came from the Southeast of Minnesota.

Ilka is a predator. If you run into her, stay away from her—she can be very aggressive.

Indochina Tiger (Thailand)

A population of rare Indochinese tigers, including at least six tiger cubs, was recently spotted in a national park in the eastern part of Thailand. This means that this species is not threatened with extinction, and it reproduces successfully.

After many years of flourishing poaching and pollution of their habitat, the population of these tigers has decreased to less than 250 individuals (100 years ago there were about 100,000), and until recently scientists knew only about one small population.


Did you know about these animals?! Unfortunately, animals continue to die out on our planet, not only because of humans but also for other reasons. Humanity has not yet studied all the existing animals on the planet, so it is also not possible to say how many animal species have become extinct!

 But still, you should take care of nature and the environment, because not only we but also millions of other living organisms live on our planet!

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